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Conference contributions


57. Inventario forestal y LiDAR para la identificación y caracterización de bosques maduros de Pinus nigra en la región mediterránea. 8º Congreso Forestal Español. Lleida, Cataluña. Oral. National

56.  Los bosques maduros pueden alcanzar el máximo stock de biomasa viva. . 8º Congreso Forestal Español. Lleida, Cataluña. Oral. National


55. Long-term management effects on tree growth dynamic of Pinus pinea L. in southwestern Europe. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2022). Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). Poster. International.


54. Novel techniques for dendro-historical studies reveal timber-supply practices in the South of Spain in post medieval times. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2022). Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). Oral. International.


53. Impacts of climate and dry-season on ring width and density of Cedrela fissilis Vell. in Brazilian Amazon. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2022). Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). Poster. International.


52. Coupling between summer North Atlantic jet variability and European forest productivity and growth. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2022). Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). Oral. International.


51. Long-term management effects on tree growth dynamic of Pinus pinea L. in southwestern Spain. XV Congreso AEET. Plasencia. Oral. National.

50. Inter growth-rings variability and relationship of wood density and chemical traces in Amazonian tropical species. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2021). Lund, Sweden. Poster. International.


49. North Atlantic Jet position induces latitudinal decouplings in forest productivity in Europe. EGU General Assembly 2020. Online. Oral. International


48. Influence of pruning on development of even-aged Pinus radiata D. Don and Pinus pinaster Aiton stands in SW Europe. XXV IUFRO World Congress. Curitiba (Brasil). Oral. Invited talkInternational


47. Prediction of Sawing Yield of Pinus pinaster and Pinus radiata Structural Timber from Thinning Operations. 21st International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. Freiburg (Alemania). Oral. International

46. Evaluando la relación entre la resiliencia frente a la sequía del crecimiento de los árboles y la dinámica forestal en los bosques ibéricos peninsulares. IV Reunión del Grupo de Ecología, Ecofisiología y Suelos Forestales. Alcalá de Henares, Comunidad de Madrid (Spain). Oral. National

45. A multi-species assessment of age effects on long- and short-term resilience to extreme droughts in Iberian conifers. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2019). Caserta, Naples (Italy). Poster. International

44. What drives the formation of intraannual chemical fluctuations in Pinus radiata stands: climate, wood density or silviculture? Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2019). Caserta, Naples (Italy). Poster. International

43. Blue Intensity: A New Chapter in Individualistic Growth Response Network. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2019). Caserta, Naples (Italy). Poster. International

42. Causes of forests decline in oldgrowth Quercus petraea forests. Linking past management and climate warming legacies. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2019). Caserta, Naples (Italy). Poster. International

41. Rammig The potential of ecologically focused tree-ring networks for benchmarking vegetation models. Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2019). Caserta, Naples (Italy). Oral. International

40. Do long-term nutrient imbalances contribute to drought-triggered forest dieback? Insights from tree-ring chemistry. 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting (SIBECOL 2019). Barcelona (Spain). Oral. International

39. Long-term resilience and tree growth responses to drought in old-growth rear edge Mediterranean pine forests. 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting (SIBECOL 2019). Barcelona (Spain). Oral. International

38. Tree-rings improve forest site productivity estimations in Atlantic Iberian Pinus pinaster forests. 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting (SIBECOL 2019). Barcelona (Spain). Poster. International


37. Application of vulnerability thresholds to the conservation of Mediterranean firs and cedars forests. Past plant diversity changes. Rabat, Marruecos. Oral. Invited talk. nternational

36. Do long-term nutrient imbalances contribute to drought-triggered forest dieback? Insights from tree-ring chemistry. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2018). Greifswald (Germany).OralInternational

35. Forest vulnerability to a warmer 21st-century climate: Assessing climate extremes using process-based models of tree growth. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2018). Greifswald (Germany).OralInternational

34. Long-term resilience and growth responses to drought in old-growth, rear edge Mediterranean pine forests. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2018). Greifswald (Germany). PosterInternational

33. Exploring new dendrosciences proxies by Micro X-ray fluorescence (uXRF): Long-term wood chemistry variations in old-growth forestsTree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2018). Greifswald (Germany). PosterInternational

32. Introducing the Individualistic Growth Response network (IGR). Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2018). Greifswald (Germany). PosterInternational

31. Bosques viejos frente al cambio climático: vulnerabilidad, capacidad adaptativa e implicaciones para la gestión forestal. I Congreso Internacional de las Montañas (CIMAS). Granada (Spain).  Oral. Invited talk. International

30. Forest vulnerability to a warmer 21st-century climate: Assessing climate extremes using process-based models of tree growth. Final Event - Robust projections of forests under climate change - data, methods and models. Cost Action FP1304. PROFOUND. Postdam (Germany). Oral.  Invited talk. International


29. Distribución de nutrientes y carbono en las diferentes fracciones arbóreas de masas jóvenes de pino maritimo en el noroeste de España para diferentes intensidades de poda.  Congreso Forestal Español. Gestión del Monte: Servicios ambientales y bioeconomía. Plasencia, Cáceres (Spain). Poster. National

28. Influencia de la poda en el desarrollo de masas de Pinus radiata D. Don y Pinus pinaster aiton en Asturias.  Congreso Forestal Español. Gestión del Monte: Servicios ambientales y bioeconomía. Plasencia, Cáceres (Spain). Poster. National

27. Red de parcelas permanentes en ecosistemas forestales del noroeste de España: del monte hasta la industria.  Congreso Forestal Español. Gestión del Monte: Servicios ambientales y bioeconomía. Plasencia, Cáceres (Spain). Poster. National


26. Secuestro de carbono para diferentes alternativas de manejo selvícola de Pinus pinaster Ait. en el norte de España. 7º Congreso Forestal Español. Gestión del Monte: Servicios ambientales y bioeconomía. Plasencia, Cáceres (Spain). Poster. National


25. Is one sample enough? Differences and similarities in element concentrations of tree rings in dependence of sampling direction and height along the stem. 4th Annual ICLEA workshop 2015. Oral. International

24. A multiscale assessment of biomass production in Eucalyptus nitens plantations: a spatio-temporal modeling from tree-ring data. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2015). Sevilla, Andalucía (Spain). Poster.  International

23. Dendrochronological study in Pinus halepensis Mill. plantation under different intensities of thinning in semiarid Mediterranean conditions (Guadix, Spain). Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2015). Sevilla, Andalucía (Spain). Poster.  International

22. What drives growth of scots pine in continental mediterranean climates: drought, low temperatures or both? Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2015). Sevilla, Andalucía (Spain). Oral.  International


21. Nutrient accumulation and distribution in woody crops of Eucalyptus nitens. 4th Central European Biomass conference. Austrian Biomass Association. Graz, Austria. Oral.  International

20. Gestión selvícola y Riesgo de incendio en masas forestales del Arco Atlántico. Final workshop FORRISK: Innovación silvicola para la gestión de los riesgos forestales. Oviedo, Asturias (Spain). Oral.  International

19. Silvicultural management in Pinus radiata and Pinus pinaster to improve wood quality and reduce fire risk: intensive and silvopastoral regimes. Models to predict fire risk. Final Conference FORRISK: Innovación silvicola para la gestión de los riesgos forestales. Bilbao (Spain). Oral.  International

18. Predicting growth and yield for Eucalyptus nitens energy crops in Galicia including environmental attribute. VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo - CICS2014. Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (Spain). Oral. International 

17. Drivers of contrasting growth response of scots pine to climate along an elevational gradient near the species southern limit. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2014). Avimore, Higlands and Islands, Scotland (United Kingdom). Oral.  International

16. Short-term growth, wood density and chemical fluctuations in short rotation plantations of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden in Northwest Spain. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE2014). Avimore, Higlands and Islands, Scotland (United Kingdom). Poster.  International

15. Nutrient accumulation and distribution in woody crops of Eucalyptus nitens. 4th Central European Biomass conference. Graz, Austria. Oral. Invited talk. International

14. Influence of silviculture treatments on fuel distribution and crown fire hazard in pine stands using data from pruning and thinning trials. Durango (Mexico). Oral. Invited talk. International


13. Ecuaciones de biomasa para cultivos energéticos de Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden en el noroeste de España.  6º Congreso Forestal Español. Montes: Servicios y desarrollo rural, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). Oral. National

12. Innovación de procesos y productos en el sector de la madera. 6º Congreso Forestal Español. Montes: Servicios y desarrollo rural, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). Oral. Invited talk.  National

11. Modelo dinámico de crecimiento y producción de biomasa para cultivos energéticos de Eucalyptus nitens (Maiden) en el noroeste de España. 6º Congreso Forestal Español. Montes: Servicios y desarrollo rural, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). Oral. National

10. International Summer School 2012 “Tree Rings, Climate, Natural Resources, and Human Interaction”, Valsain, Spain. ("DendroSpain 2012"). Second American Dendrochronology Conference. Tucson, Arizona (Estados Unidos). PosterInternational

9. Uncovering the ecological and hydro-climatic past of Valsaín mountains: results from DendroSpain 2012. 11th National Congress of the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology: Invitation to Ecology: strengthening links with Society. Pamplona (Spain). OralNational

8. Forest management and wood properties in the main species of the Northwest of Spain. DC FPS Annual Progress Conference 2013. Madrid (Spain). PosterInternational


7. Wood properties of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) from a forest undergoing transformation to an irregular structure. 2012 IUFRO All-Division 5 Conference.  Estoril (Portugal). Oral. International


6. Efecto de la intensidad de poda en la rigidez de fustes, trozas y tablas de pino radiata (Pinus radiata D. Don) cultivado en el norte de España. I Congresso Ibero-Latinoamericano da Madeira na Construção, CIMAD 11. Coimbra (Portugal). Oral. International

5. Pruning Pinus pinaster and Pinus radiata stands in the northwest of Spain: An experimental and modeling approach. Modelling Forest Ecosystems - Concepts, Data and Application. Cost Action FP0603. Forest models for research and decision support in sustainable forest management. Kaprun (Austria). Poster. International

4 . Modelo de distribución de la carga de combustibles finos en el dosel de copas de rodales regulares de Pinus pinaster: efecto de claras combinadas con podas. III Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo de Modelización Forestal. “Modelización Forestal: Desde la teoría a la difusión y transferencia de resultados”. Lugo  (Spain). Oral. National


3. Gestión del cultivo de planta en contenedor con PLANTEC. I Reunión conjunta del Grupo de Trabajo de Repoblaciones Forestales de la SECF y el Grupo de Trabajo de Restauración Ecológica de la AEET. IV Reunión del GT de Repoblaciones Forestales de la SECF. “Revegetación de Sistemas Forestales”. Alcalá de Henares (Spain). Oral. National

2. Efecto de la intensidad de poda y tipo de contenedor sobre la morfología y topología radical de Pinus pinaster Ait.  II Congreso Forestal Catalán. Tarragona (Spain). Oral. National


1. Efecto de la poda química en el desarrollo en contenedor de Pinus pinaster Ait. y Pinus radiata D. Don. 6º Congreso Forestal Español. Gestión del Monte: Servicios ambientales y bioeconomía. Zaragoza (Spain). Poster. National


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