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Research stays & visits

University of Stockholm, Sweden (2018)

Dendrochemistry by non-destructive XRF.



University of Coimbra, Portugal · Center for Functional Ecology (2018)

Exploring the potential of dendrosciences in Southern Europe non-native tree species: Adaptive silviculture for Pinus radiata forests (NNEXT Cost Action, FP1403).

Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC), Spain (2017)

Dendroecology and dendrochemistry in old-growth forests in the Spanish Pyrenees.

University of Coimbra, Portugal · Center for Functional Ecology (2016)

Identify IADFs in Pinus halepensis using an automatic algorithm in colour images and density profiles (FPS COST Action FP1106 STReESS - Studying Tree Responses to extreme Events: a SynthesiS).

Mendel University, Brno · Czech Republic (2015)

New tools and modelling based on tree-ring and forestry measurements.

Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Lisbon,  Portugal (2015)

Working in NIR spectroscopy to evaluate wood quality, and calibrating of Itrax and NIR to determine wood density of different conifers from the south of Europe. Co-funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7 (“Trees4Future”).

University of Greifswald · Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology (2014)

Elemental markers in tree rings - Developing and refining dendro-chemical methods using µXRF.

Swiss Federal Research Institute – WSL (Birmensdorf) (2014)

Applications of newest ITRAX multiscanner (Tree-Ring, Wood Density and XRF multi-element analysis).

Universidad de Córdoba, Spain (2014)

Dendroecology in conifer species.

Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Lisbon,  Portugal (2013)

Working in NIR spectroscopy to evaluate wood quality, and calibrating of Itrax and NIR to determine wood density of different conifers from the south of Europe. Co-funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7 (“Trees4Future”).

Forestry Commission, Roslin, Scotland · UK (2010-11)

Training in the characterization of physical and mechanical properties of wood by different testing methods (destructive and non-destructive; Acoustic, MoE, MoR, ultrasonic)

Glasgow University, Scotland · UK (2010-11)

Training in wood density by microdensitometry techniques (Itrax multiscanner) in conifer species.

Napier University, Scotland · UK (2010-11)

Training in timber quality models, silviculture in mixed forests and tree-ring science in conifer species.

University of Lisbon · Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF) (2008)

Methodology to calibrate the 3-PG Ecophysiology model in Pinus pinaster in Northwest Spain.

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